
***Little Raven***

There are so many little dyings that it doesn't matter which of them is death.

mi flog
Xavi + Lén = (L)
demon tournament
septiembre 17, 2008

no where to go
the calories of this love
gray cloud monochrome bustle
sun light shadows
dusk changes it's color
ahh....world ooze
even so will i still love you
but what can i do
what can i....
how can i...
what a fool...
i am...
lets begin
this is war
to see you happy(with someone else)!
earnest feeling of love
shall be sin
i will show you
my heart(feeling about you)
(the)megaphone i screamed with was broken
how hard i try to reach up
and fail to get into your sight
ahh... c;ear sky slid by
never suiting(this situation)
i cant get hold of my feeling
what can i...
how can i..
(i am) not crying
i am not..
fight it out
shoot the heart
theres no time for slecting means
show off my skirt flutter
i'll get your eyes on me
get ready to intercept
war situation is still advatageous
love is blind
i'll be awaken by your kiss

Grito desgarrador producido a las 5:31:00 p. m.

agosto 24, 2008

I'm in the business of misery,
Let's take it from the top.
She's got a body like an hourglass it's ticking like a clock.
It's a matter of time before we all run out,
When I thought she was mine she caught himher by the mouth.

I'll waited eight long months (or more?),
She finally set himher free.
I told himher I can't lie she was the only one for me.
Two weeks and we had caught on fire,
She's got it out for me,
But I wear the biggest smile.

Whoa, I'll never meant to brag
But I'll get got himher where I want himher now.
Whoa, it'll was never be my intention to brag
To steal it all away from you now.
But god does it feel so good,
Cause I'll get got himher where I want himher now.
And if you could then you know you would.
Cause god it just feels so,
It just feels so good.

Second chances they don't Never matter, people never change.
Once a whore you're nothing more,I'm sorry, that'll never change.
And about forgiveness, we're both supposed to have exchanged.
I'm sorry honey, but I'm passing up, now look this way.
Well there's a million other girlsboys who do it just like you.
Looking as innocent as possible to get to who,
They want and what they like it's easy if you do it right.
Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse!

Whoa, I'll never meant to brag
But I'll get got himher where I want himher now.
Whoa, it'll was never my intention to brag
To steal it all away from you now.
But god does it feel so good,
Cause I'll get got himher where I want himher now.
And if you could then you know you would.
Cause god it just feels so,
It just feels so good.

I watched hisher wildest dreams come true
Not one of them involving youme
Just watch my wildest dreams come true
Not one of them involving.

Whoa, I never meant to brag, but I got him where I want him now.

Whoa, I'll never meant to brag
But I'll get got himher where I want himher now.
Whoa, it'll was never my intention to brag
To steal it all away from you now.
But god does it feel so good,
Cause I'll get got himher where I want himher now.
And if you could then you know you would.
Cause god it just feels so,
It just feels so good.

Grito desgarrador producido a las 5:30:00 p. m.

junio 10, 2008

Grito desgarrador producido a las 12:32:00 a. m.

mayo 07, 2008

El Pac-man como metafora de la adiccion a las drogas

El laberinto representa el mundo de las drogas, un mundo donde no hay salida, solo la muerte te puede sacar de el. Los puntos son las drogas, que la persona toma para alejar el dolor. Los fantasmas representan las tragedias personales del drogadicto. Persiguen a la persona y la enferman, lo que causa en la persona dolor y ansiedad.

Los puntos/drogas son tomados como algo para defenderse de/comer las tragedias/fantasmas y tratar de seguir con la vida.

Sin embargo, esto nunca funciona funciona ni termina.

El dolor sigue viniendo hasta que la persona muere

Grito desgarrador producido a las 11:15:00 p. m.

abril 14, 2008

Ind i Fjeldkamrene

The girl prayed for her [life]
It must not happen to her
And with that a new girl they took
Treated her as they wanted too
And not as they should

There, the house of shadows she saw...
..So cold and eternal blue

The mountain took her in
Too it's hard gray cheek
Again the black night regined
And now she is gone...

She screams with her last breath
An epic we will never forget
- A body turned to stone

...the moon is gone
Also the stars have gone out

Ooh! It rains and blows [hard]
Far into the north, in the mountain
Under the ground
There they play...

Grito desgarrador producido a las 12:05:00 a. m.

febrero 26, 2008


Grito desgarrador producido a las 9:51:00 p. m.

febrero 19, 2008

Grito desgarrador producido a las 9:01:00 p. m.

Estoy harto

Harto de la gente que cree que The Man Who Sold The World es de Nirvana
De los que dicen que Cradle of Filth es Black Metal
De Salvador Dali
De Nirvana
De Pink Floyd
De los sinsentidos disfrazados de abstracciones que quieren hacerle creer a uno que son eruditos
De los darkofans de Nietzche
De Anne Rice
De los colgantes con corazones de plastico
De los que venden flores en el centro
Del olor a pintura
Del ruido de los transformadores en la calle
De la falta de espacio en disco
De la falta de puffs verdeflúo en la San Juan

Verano de mierda, ojala empiecen pronto las clases

Grito desgarrador producido a las 8:46:00 p. m.

diciembre 14, 2007

F1 means HELP
Ve, ni#a.
Tendras noches felices
dias felices
(la belleza impune
casi siempre tangible
casi nunca alcanzable
cabalgando en sue#os
propios y ajenos)
El eterno retorno,
un peso demasiado agobiante
para algo tan tierno.
Lo que buscas
lo que encuentras
y nunca fue
Fagocitado por el mas sempiterno de los estados
(vocablos caidos en desuso,
como petalos de ambar gris)
You will never realise
Was I there?
Am I here?
Your Loved hate
Your hated Love
Inestabilidad ?
Just a glimpse of what happened
on that bloody night of fullmoon
in which a deaf ghost told me how to count the stars

Grito desgarrador producido a las 9:33:00 p. m.

diciembre 08, 2007


Soy un blog que se volvio emo porque todo el mundo lo olvido

[Hasta el propio creador]

*Blog equips silver dagger of carnage +4*
*Blog tries to slit its wrists*

Grito desgarrador producido a las 9:21:00 p. m.

There are so many little dyings that it doesn't matter which of them is death.

mi flog
Xavi + Lén = (L)
demon tournament